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Soapui Pro 4.5.1 License Key TOP


Article Index 1. SoapUI: General Questions1.1. When should I use SoapUI?1.1.1. What can't I do with SoapUI?1.1.2. Does SoapUI work with any Web Service technology?2. SoapUI Usage2.1. How do I save the changes I make to my projects, requests, TestCases, etc?2.1.1. I have updated my XML Schema for my service but SoapUI still generates/validates according to the old schema.3. Scripting3.1. What languages are supported?3.1.1. What is Groovy?3.1.2. Where can I learn Groovy?3.1.3. How do I know which objects and methods I can use from Groovy?3.1.4. Is there a collection of Tips & Tricks for SoapUI scripts?4. ReadyAPI licenses4.1.License General Issues4.1.1. SoapUI tells me that my license is corrupted!4.1.2. I can't get a floating license when I'm currently using a standard license4.1.3. I haven't received any license file in my email4.2. New-style and Old-style Licenses4.2.1. Which SoapUI versions does the new style licenses work with?4.2.2. Which SoapUI versions does the old style licenses work with?4.2.3. How do I know if I have a new or old-style license?4.2.4. I have a problem with this / I want to know more4.3. License Terms - The Basics4.3.1. Where can I find your license agreement?4.3.2. How does the usage model for ReadyAPI look like?4.3.3. Which versions of ReadyAPI is my license valid for?4.3.4. Can I buy three licenses and use them for all 50 developers in the office?4.3.5. Do you have floating licenses?4.4. License Terms - Special Cases4.4.1. I work as a consultant in a test house. I bought a ReadyAPI license for a job for one of my customers. Is it OK if I use that license performing tests for another customer?4.4.2. Is it OK to put ReadyAPI on a workstation and let somebody else use it?4.4.3. Do you have site licenses?4.4.4. Do I have to buy a new license to use the SoapUI (Pro) Maven plugin?4.4.5. Do I have to buy a new license to use the ReadyAPI testrunner that is integrated with a Continuous Integration environment (e.g. Jenkins, Hudson, etc) ?4.5. Renewals and Transferring of Licenses4.5.1. Why am I unable to apply my renewal license to SoapUI?4.5.2. How do I transfer a license from one computer to another5. Floating Licenses5.1. Which ports need to be opened in a firewall to access the floating license server6. SoapUI Support FAQ's6.1. How do I get support?6.2. The Pro Support forum6.2.1. I cannot post in the Pro forum although I'm a Pro user.6.2.2. But... I cannot find the license e-mail!6.3. Is the documentation available as PDF?6.4. Is there a SoapUI book? #maincol .toc-middle table margin: 0; width: auto !important; #maincol #toc width: 100% !important; margin-bottom: 25px; margin-top: 15px; padding: 15px 0; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #e4edc7; border-radius: 15px;

If you are not able to get a license from a licensing server (by using the Help -> Update license main menu item) when you are currently using a standard license, please make a backup of the .soapui folder in your home folder and then remove the .soapui folder and try again.

Soapui Pro 4.5.1 License Key TOP

Yes, if you buy floating licenses. A floating license can be used by anyone, from any computer -- but just one at a time. For example, if you know that ReadyAPI will never be used by more than 3 users at a time, then you can purchase 3 floating licenses.

Yes! We now support floating licenses. This means that you can share your ReadyAPI licenses across your team using a Licensing Server installed on your network. The Licensing Server will allow as many simultaneous users of ReadyAPI as licenses you have purchased.

Probably becuase your original license isn't loaded in SoapUI.To be able to apply a renewal license, your old Pro license needs to be loaded into SoapUI. After you have loaded your old license file (even if it has expired), you can proceed to do the same thing with the renewal license. If you cannot find your original Pro license, please contact support.

You should have gotten a username and password for the ReadyAPI Boards in the same e-mail as your license key. In the case of renewal licenses, no new forum user will be created so you need to refer to the e-mail that you once got your original license with.

Please contact support with an e-mail describing your issue and containing your license details (In SoapUI, click Help and then Show License Details).Also, make sure to check your spam folder to verify that it's not stuck in there:.

ActiveMQ Protocol Buffers Implementation and Compiler 1.1, Addressable URI parser 2.4.0, Addressable URI parser 2.5.1, Airline - io.airlift:airline 0.7, Apache ActiveMQ 5.14.0, Apache Ant 1.8.4, Apache Commons BeanUtils 1.9.2, Apache Commons CLI 1.2, Apache Commons Codec 1.10, Apache Commons Codec 1.8, Apache Commons Collections 3.2.1, Apache Commons Collections 3.2.2, Apache Commons Collections 4.1, Apache Commons Configuration 2.0, Apache Commons JCI 1.0, Apache Commons Lang 2.6, Apache Commons Lang 3.4, Apache Commons Logging 1.1.3, Apache Commons Logging 1.2, Apache Directory Shared LDAP Schema 0.9.18, Apache Directory Shared LDAP Schema 0.9.19, Apache Directory Studio 1.5.7, Apache HttpComponents Client 4.3.3, Apache HttpComponents Client 4.5, Apache HttpComponents Core 4.3.2, Apache HttpComponents Core 4.4.1, Apache HttpMime 4.5, Apache Log4j Streaming Interface 2.6.2, Apache MINA Core API 2.0.0-RC1, Apache Santuario 2.0.6, Apache Tika core 1.13, Apache Tika parsers 1.13, Apache Velocity 1.6.1, Apache XML Commons 1.2, ApacheDS JDBM implementation 1.5.7, ApacheDS Protocol Change Password 1.5.7, ApacheDS Protocol Dns 1.5.7, ApacheDS Protocol Ldap 1.5.7, ApacheDS Protocol Ntp 1.5.6, ApacheDS Protocol Shared 1.5.6, Apacheds Server Annotations 1.5.6, ApacheDS Server XML File 1.5.7, appium_lib 9.0.0, AssertJ fluent assertions 3.5.2, atob 1.1.2, atob 1.1.3, AWS Java SDK for Amazon API Gateway 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudFront 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudSearch 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Events 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Logs 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Cognito Sync 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon DynamoDB 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon EC2 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Elastic File System 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Elastic Transcoder 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon ElastiCache 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Elasticsearch Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon EMR 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Glacier 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Inspector Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Kinesis 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Machine Learning 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon RDS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Redshift 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Route53 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SES 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SimpleDB 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SNS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SQS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SWF 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon WorkSpaces 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Auto Scaling 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Application Auto Scaling 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Application Discovery Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Certificate Manager 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CloudFormation 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CloudTrail 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CodeCommit 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CodeDeploy 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CodePipeline 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Config 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Data Pipeline 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Database Migration Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Device Farm 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Direct Connect 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Directory Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Elastic Beanstalk 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS GameLift 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS IAM 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Import/Export 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Lambda 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Marketplace Metering Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS OpsWorks 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Service Catalog 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Storage Gateway 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS STS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Support 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS WAF 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Elastic Load Balancing 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for the Amazon EC2 Container Registry 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for the Amazon EC2 Container Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for the AWS CloudHSM 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for the AWS Simple Systems Management (SSM) Service 1.11.18, AWS SDK for Java 1.11.18, AWS SDK for Java - Core 1.11.18, AWS SDK for Ruby 1.0.0, AWS SDK for Ruby 2.9.16, aws-sdk-core-ruby 2.9.16, aws-sign 0.5.0, aws-sign 0.6.0, Axis (Java) 1.2.1, beanvalidation-api 1.1.0.Final, browser-sync-ui 0.5.16, browser-sync-ui 0.6.0, BrowserSync 2.13.0, BrowserSync 2.14.0, btf 1.2, caseless 0.11.0, caseless 0.12.0, ci-js 0.0.4, CloudWatch Metrics for AWS Java SDK 1.11.18, code42_api_ruby 0.2.1, Cryptacular Library 1.1.0, Drools :: Decision Tables Module 3.0.4, drools-core 3.0.4, easy-extender 2.3.1, easy-extender 2.3.2, eazy-logger 3.0.0, eazy-logger 3.0.2, Ehcache 1.2.3, Elasticsearch 1.13, Elasticsearch 5.2.1, Excelsior JET WinService API 1.0.0, EZMorph 1.0.4, FindBugs - findbugs eclipse plugin 6.0, flori's term-ansicolor 1.6.0, forever-agent 0.5.2, forever-agent 0.6.1, google-checkout-java-sdk 2.5.0, google-gson 2.3.1, Groovy 2.4.4, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java 18.0, Guice 4.0, HawtBuf 1.11, hazelcast-all 2.5, Hibernate Validator 4.1.0.Final, HTTP client framework for Groovy 0.5.1, incubator-cordova-weinre 2.0.0-pre-I0Z7U9OV, interstellar 0.0.8, J2EE Management 1.0 1.0.1, Jackson JSON Processor 2.4.5, Jackson JSON Processor 2.8.1, jackson-coreutils 1.6, Jackson-dataformat-CBOR 2.6.6, jackson-dataformat-xml 2.4.5, jackson-dataformat-yaml 2.4.5, Jackson-datatype-jdk8 2.8.1, Jackson-Datatype-JSR310 2.8.1, Jackson-JAXRS-base 2.8.1, Jackson-JAXRS-JSON_Provider 2.8.1, jackson-module-jaxb-annotations 2.8.1, Java Libraries for Amazon Simple WorkFlow 1.11.18, Java Native Access (JNA) 4.1.0, java-support 7.2.0, Javassist 3.20.0-GA, Javax Inject from the JSR-330 Expert Group 1, JBoss Drools 3.0.4, JBoss Drools 3.0.5, JBoss Rules Compiler 3.0.4, JCIP Annotations under Apache License 1.0-1, JCommander Library 1.48, Jersey 2.23.2, Jetty :: Proxy 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Servlet Handling 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: API 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: Client 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: Common 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: Server 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: Servlet Interface 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty: Java based HTTP, Servlet, SPDY, WebSocket Server 9.3.11.v20160721, jmespath 1.3.1, JMS 1.1 1.1.1, Joda time 2.3, Joda time 2.8.1, JSDoc 3 3.5.6, JSON Schema Validator 2.2.3, Json-lib 2.4, json-patch 1.6, json-smart 1.3.1, jsr-305 2.0.1, kew 0.1.7, kew 0.5.0, kew 0.7.0, kinto 4.0.1, kinto 4.0.4, LessCss 2.5.1, LessCss 2.6.1, libphonenumber 6.0, LiquiBase 3.3.3, Log4J API 2.6.2, Log4J Commons Logging 2.6.2, Log4J Core 2.6.2, log4js-node 0.6.33, log4js-node 0.6.37, log4js-node 0.6.38, logagent-js 1.1.46, Lucene 5.0.0, Lucene Analyzers 5.0.0, Lucene Join 5.0.0, Lucene Query Parser 5.0.0, make-error-cause 1.1.1, make-error-cause 1.2.0, make-error-cause 1.2.1, make-error-cause 1.2.2, markup-document-builder 1.0.0, Metrics Core 3.0.1, Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault 0.8.0, Microsoft Windows Azure Storage Client SDK 4.3.0, Mocha (JavaScript Testing Framework) 0.3.7, msg-simple 1.1, Netty Project 4.1.5.Final, Nimbus-JOSE-JWT 4.22, Node.js 0.10.48, oauth-sign 0.4.0, oauth-sign 0.5.0, oauth-sign 0.6.0, oauth-sign 0.8.1, oauth-sign 0.8.2, objenesis 2.2, Openfire aka Wildfire 3.9.2, OpenSAML 2.0 3.2.0, OpenShift Origin 3.2.28, OpenWS 1.5.6, OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer 20160628.1, parboiled 1.1.6, Passay Library 1.2.0, pause-stream 0.0.11, pegdown 1.4.2, phantomjs 1.9.1-6, phantomjs 1.9.12, phantomjs 1.9.15, phantomjs 1.9.20, phantomjs 2.1.10, phantomjs 2.1.13, phantomjs 2.1.14, phantomjs 2.1.3, phantomjs 2.1.8, phantomjs unknown, Piwik 20170301-snapshot-7a8689e9, popsicle-proxy-agent 3.0.0, popsicle-retry 3.2.1, PouchDB 4.0.3, protobuf-net r602, Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler 1.8.3, rc 1.1.6, reduce-component 1.0.1, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.42.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.51.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.55.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.61.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.65.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.67.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.69.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.72.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.73.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.74.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.76.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.79.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.81.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.9.203, Request - Simple HTTP Client v2.75.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client v2.78.0, RxJS 2.3.24, RxJS 2.5.3, RxJS 3.1.2, RxJS 4.0.7, RxJS 4.1.0, Selenium 2.53.4, shade 1.7.0, shared 1.1.0, SLF4J Binding 2.6.2, SnakeYAML 1.12, spdx-correct 1.0.2, swagger-annotations 1.5.8, swagger-compat-spec-parser 1.0.18, swagger-core 1.5.8, swagger-core 1.5.9, swagger-jaxrs 1.5.9, swagger-jersey2-jaxrs (Jersey 2.x support) 1.5.9, swagger-models 1.5.8, swagger-parser 1.0.18, swagger-ui 2.1.4, swagger2markup 1.0.0, swagger2markup-cli 1.0.0, thread_safe 0.3.6, tns-core-modules 1.7.1, tslint 3.14.0, tslint 3.15.1, tslint-react 0.1.0, tslint-react 0.4.0, tunnel-agent 0.4.1, tunnel-agent 0.4.2, tunnel-agent 0.4.3, tunnel-agent 0.6.0, twitter4j 3.0.3, TypeScript 1.8.5, TypeScript 1.8.7, TypeScript 2.0.0, TypeScript 2.0.10, TypeScript 2.0.2, TypeScript 2.0.3, TypeScript 2.0.6, TypeScript 2.0.7, TypeScript 2.0.9, uri-template 0.9, validate-npm-package-license 3.0.1, Visallo: Web: War 2.2.0, watch 0.19.1, watch 1.0.1, Wicket YUI Integration 1.4.7, wikipathways-api-client 1.0.9, Xerial SQLite JDBC, xmlbuilder-js 2.2.1


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